Thursday, September 1, 2011

Awr Rawr Rawr!

I'm a dinosaur!

Ok, just kidding. I'm sitting here at my internship, bored out of my mind because they have no assignments for me. Le sigh. So I've been frolicking around on my blog and decided to write a post. I don't think anyone reads these anymore, but oh well, I will still write posts every now and then.


Um...I think that's all. Cheerio!

Monday, May 30, 2011

An Awesomesauce of a Weekend

Hello. I never update this thing, but I ended up here somehow and felt like this weekend was worth blogging about. It was, after all, one crazy fun weekend! First of all, let me say, I had a 4 day weekend because I requested Friday and Saturday of from work and Monday (today) is Memorial Day. So yay for a relaxing, fun 4 day weekend. Friday I hung out with my friend Jordyn and we watched a movie then I went to my friend Elizabeth's house and we watched a movie with some friends and played games. After everyone left, Elizabeth and I played video games and then chatted until 3am! It was great.
Saturday I slept in, but got woken up earlier than planned by a text message. I still got sufficient sleep though. In the afternoon I went to my Aunt's house to play games with her, my cousin, and my mom. Fun times. Then I stopped at a Red Box on the way home and rented The Romantics. It was an AWFUL movie. Stupid story line that was poorly carried out and the end just ENDED...there was no resolution or anything! I was very disappointed.
Sunday...more sleeping in...and then a cookout at a good friend of the family's house. There was SO MUCH food. I was stuffed when I left to go to my friend Angela's house for a night of games. And she also had a table full of food....and I just ate and ate and was all delicious, but I ate way too much!
Today (Monday) a group of us went down to a park in downtown and pretty much hung there for the majority of the day. We played Frisbee, ate fried chicken, watched my cousin's dog romp around, played cards, and just chilled. It was a very nice way to spend Memorial Day.
So thus ends my 4 day weekend...although tomorrow after I get out of my internship, my cousin and I are going to the beach and we plan to build an epic sand castle! I will let you know how it goes.
That is it for now friends...hopefully I will be back again soon.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Frolicking Through Life

Just felt like writing a blog even though I'm really bad at updating this thing. I moved 2 weeks ago into an apartment with some girls from school. I'm loving it so far. I got a summer internship at a magazine, woot! I graduate in 236 days! AHHH!

the end.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Hello friends! (All 2 of you) I am a terrible blogger and have not posted anything since January. FAIL. Well I'm here now. I've transferred schools again, but will stay where I am now till I graduate (December of 2011, baby!!!). I'm in my homewtown of Savannah, living with a friend from church, and studying Creative Writing.
I have decided that I want to be a childrens author. I have all these ideas for childrens books floating around in my head and I have an amazingly artistic cousin who can illustrate them for me. I also want to be a novelist, but that will just be an on the side job. My cousin and I also have a dream to one day open a coffee shop. It'll be really eclectic and artsy and creativity with be welcomed.
Recently I have become a lot closer with a friend I met in December named Jessica. She is an amazing woman of God and we are going to start meeting up at least once a week to read the bible and pray and share life. I foresee a "best friendship" developing and I am very excited. I don't have very many "best" friends.
Well, that's really all I have to say for now. Bye

Friday, January 29, 2010

God is Great!

Well then, I haven't been on in quite some time. Life is hectic...and I never have much to say. But boy do I have something to say today!
Today is the start of a new life for me :) Last night while at the college ministry at my church here in Valdosta, God really spoke to me and showed me that I had never fully surrendered my life to Him. Well, now I have. I talked with a leader and prayed last night that I would be able to give up control of my life and let God take the reins. Well, I must say, it feels amazing! I have been buoyant all day long, knowing in my heart that God has control.
My desire is to learn more about Jesus every day through reading His word and praying and worshiping. My prayer is that I will be filled with a desire to live the life God has planned for me and that I will do so with a heart full of passion.
Isn't God great!?!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Improv in your life

Hello to my 2 faithful followers...I finally have something to write about.
I went to an Improv show last night on campus and it got me thinking. In an Improv show the players don't have a script or memorized movements. They have to rely on each other to keep the story moving. Our lives are kind of like an Improv show. We always try to plan every minute of our lives and we want to know exactly what's going to happen all the time. Well, we can never know for sure everything that will happen to us, so sometimes we have to improvise. God is our partner in this Improv show of life and we have to rely on Him when things go awry. We have to trust that He is going to put things back in order and keep the show going.
Another thing about Improv I've noticed is that you rarely see a one person Improv show. There is always at least two people, going back and forth, keeping the show moving. If one person falters, the other is there to make things right. Much like this, we cannot do life alone. We need God in our lives to help us through the tough times that we face, the times when we do not know what to say or do next. We need Him to point us in the direction we need to go to continue on with life.
So, live your life like an Improv show and always keep God on stage with you.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

God puts people in your life...

So, recently I began my first year at VSU. I'm a transfer, so they didn't let us move in until Upperclassmen move in day, so I missed all of the "get connected and make friends" social events. So I have found myself short of friends over the last month since I came here to Valdosta. It's just not as easy to meet people on such a huge campus. I know that sounds weird, but it's true. At Montreat I saw the same people everyday, a lot of them in more than one of my classes, so it was easier to get to know people. Here at VSU, there is not a single person that I have 2 classes with.
All of this to say that God has placed an amazing person in my life! My suite mate Casey is the awesomest. We are so much alike and we get along fabulously! She is the only roommate I have ever had that I've actually been friends with. We spend a lot of our free time together and we always have so much fun.
I am so thankful that God enabled me to meet this awesome girl and that He provided me with such a great friend.
Yay friends!